Why are Pigeons Fighting in my Garden?

Why are Pigeons Fighting in my Garden?

Pigeons are human-friendly and adjust quickly in gardens and backyards. Sometimes, they fight with each other for various reasons. Why are Pigeons Fighting in my Garden? The main reason pigeons fight is that they do not want any other bird around their nest. They want to mark their territory and make themselves dominant. In addition, … Read more

Why are Pigeons Bad at Making Nests?

Why are Pigeons Bad at Making Nests?

Pigeons are very smart birds, and they respond to human activity and presence as they are unique in their habits and behavior. Why are Pigeons Bad at Making Nests? Pigeons are bad at making nests because they lack creativity, and their mind is not so thoughtful enough to produce new ideas of making a strong … Read more

Why Are Pigeons Called Rats with Wings?

Why Are Pigeons Called Rats With Wings?

People think of pigeons like rats as these birds cause trouble and discomfort. As a result, the general public makes every effort to avoid such irritation by employing a variety of ways. Why Are Pigeons Called Rats with Wings? Pigeons are called rats with wings because, like rats, they also cause noise and dirt in … Read more