How Strong Are Squirrel Jaws?

Squirrels have sharp teeth and powerful jaws to chew hard things. These are sharp enough to tear plastic, metal, and wooden materials. In addition, the sharp front teeth of these animals keep growing throughout their life.

How Strong Are Squirrel Jaws? Squirrels have strong jaws with a biting force of more than 7000 pounds per square inch, which help them to break the nuts, chew plant fibers, tear hard materials, including wood, plastic, and metal, and fight predators. However, it depends on their dietary patterns, genetics, age, and activity levels.

It is not safe to hold the squirrels in your hand without any protective material because these can bite your skin and leads to excessive blood loss. The bite force is stronger than humans and most animals.

Do squirrels have strong jaws?

Squirrels’ jaws are more powerful than humans and other pet animals. These have sharp front teeth that allow them to break harder objects. They gnaw on different vegetable and plant sources to reduce their overgrown size because it causes irritation during eating.

These have a bite force of 7000 pounds per square inch, more than humans. Humans bite is 500 psi according to age and strength.

Alligators and crocodiles also have a less bite force of about 5000 psi which is less than these rodents. Sharks are considered impressively dangerous animals with a bite force of 4000 psi.

In addition, different researchers concluded that these animals have a bite force of more than 22,000 psi depending on their species and life stages.

Why do squirrels have strong jaws?

They have powerful jaw muscles that allow them to feed on hard objects that are difficult to chew. They have a greater bite force, which depicts good masticatory functions.

Break nuts

Squirrels are omnivore animals and feed on plant and animal-based sources to meet their dietary needs. In addition, they love to eat nuts and seeds as the treat food and when they find them in abundance.

They also store the nuts and bury them under the soil so they can consume them in winter. Nuts provide them with essential vitamins and minerals that boost their body mechanisms.

Some of the nuts have hard outer shells that are difficult to break. Squirrels are adaptable to crack nut shells with their strong jaw muscles and high biting force.

Chew plant fibers

Squirrels are omnivores, but they take the major portion of their diet from plant sources. They chew the grass, plants, and vegetables to get fiber and nutrients from them.

They eat hard, fibrous plants to reduce the size of their overgrown teeth. Gnawing on plants and fibrous materials allows them to reduce their front incisors.

It is necessary to reduce their size because it can cause eating discomfort. They chew these plant-based materials because of their strong jaw muscles.

Chew hard material

Squirrels have highly adaptable masticatory functions that allow them to chew hard materials. They can chew non-edible materials with their strong jaw muscles and front incisors.

They tear the plastic, wood, and metal materials to grind their teeth. They mostly chew the plastic materials because of the presence of food sources and to make their nest in wall paneling.

They chew the wooden structures of the attic area to make their nest in warm and well-insulated places.

Fight with predators

The squirrels’ strong jaw muscles and sharp teeth allow them to fight with their predators. These animals mostly do not show any fight response. Moreover, they prefer to hide them to escape from the predators rather than facing them.

Sometimes they unintentionally do not recognize their predators in their surroundings. They show a fight response and bite on their skin to protect themselves and their young ones in the nest.

They also show a fighting response when they do not find enough places to hide them.

Which squirrel has the strongest bite force?

Bite force in the animals represents the oral functions and strength of the jaw muscles of the animals. It represents the function of the masticatory system of these rodents.

Scientific studies show that some adult squirrels have a biting force of more than 220000 psi, greater than sharks, alligators, and crocodiles.

Gray squirrels are common because of their strong biting force and jaw muscles. They have a bite force of more than 70000 psi which is also harmful to humans.

In addition, the biting force of red squirrels ranges from 1300 to 20000 psi depending on their dietary habits, living environment, and age. These can crack the nuts through their strong muscles and bite the predators to make them safe.

What factors affect the jaw muscle strength of squirrels?

The jaw muscle strength in squirrels varies in their different species depending on various factors.

Dietary patterns

Jaw muscle strength varies according to the dietary patterns of the squirrels. These animals have different dietary preferences depending on their species and personal needs.

Some of them like to feed on nuts and plant-based materials. The ones that are highly adaptable to eating hard food materials have more strength as compared to the ones that consume packaged foods.

In addition, some eat nuts that do not have hard shells, like roasted beans. The outer shell of these nuts is less hard than walnuts and shelled almonds.

Moreover, living conditions also influence their dietary patterns. Some of these animals live in an environment with enough nuts and seeds. They consume sufficient nuts, which helps to strengthen their jaw muscles.


Jaw muscle strength also depends on the specific species of squirrels. Gray squirrels have the strongest biting force of more than 7000 psi.

In addition, other species, including red squirrels, have a biting force of 1200 to 2000 psi. Various characteristics in these animals vary according to their specific adaptability and genetic variations.

The problems occur because they live in different environments according to their specific species. The living conditions and environment of these animals vary according to their species, affecting their biting force.

Age of squirrels

Squirrels have different jaw muscle strengths according to their different age group. The bit of the young ones are less harmful than their adult species.

Some of their adult species have biting force of more than 22000 psi. The problem comes because babies have less developed masticatory functions and do not have sharp bites.

In addition, young ones do not feed on solid foods for about 10 weeks because of the less strength of their jaw muscles. The adult species have more strength, and holding them in your hands is harmful because of their strong bite.

Is squirrel bite harmful to humans?

Squirrel bite harms humans, and holding them in bare hands is not recommended. These can bite on your skin and remove the piece of flesh with their strong jaws, leading to blood loss.

In addition, these can also transmit different diseases to humans through their saliva. These can transmit parasitic and different viral infections to humans when their saliva enters the bloodstream through their bite.

Moreover, squirrel bite is harmful, and it is necessary to take medical attention quickly to reduce the risk of major problems. I prefer to avoid physical contact with these animals because of their harmful bite.

Close the entry points so they cannot come to your home. You can use the traps to relocate them if they are already present in your home.

I also called the rodent control company to remove the pest from my yards because they are damaging the trees, plants, and soils.

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