Many people do not bother protecting their lawn mowers in the rain and leave them outside even in heavy pouring conditions without knowing whether they can handle bad weather.
Can You Leave a Lawn Mower Outside in the Rain? You can leave a lawn mower in the rain for only a short duration, as continuous exposure to water can damage its iron blades and fuel lines and cause corrosion to the engine, making it unstable. Moreover, rainwater can damage its spark plugs leading to the loss of functionality of the mower. Furthermore, the paint on the mower can get removed after continuous exposure to water.
Lawn mowers are sturdy grass-cutting tools that can survive in bad weather, but their durability depends on exposure length.
Long-term exposure to rainy and hot weather can put their life at risk as it can damage the components.
Why would you leave a lawn mower in the rain?
It is not a problem to leave a lawn mower in the rain for a day or two as this is not prolonged exposure to water.
However, it is not considered ideal to place it in the open area as continuous exposure to the grass-cutting tools makes them susceptible to severe damage.
Most probably, you will not leave it intentionally in the rain, and it can occur accidentally when you forget to bring it inside during expected rains.
In addition, some people do not bother about heavy pouring due to its sloppy design that allows water to drip down.
The presence of a cover can also make you careless about their safety, which can avoid direct exposure to water. Therefore, it is not an excellent solution to help prevent damage to the mower.
What happens if you leave a lawn mower in the rain?
Every lawn mower cannot tolerate the stress of continuous rain as its durability and tolerance depend on the material and exposure duration.
Corrosion of lawn mower deck
The deck protects mowing as it contains blades that cut and throw the clippings into an open area.
Different materials are used to manufacture the deck, like aluminum, steel, and plastic. As a result, the accumulation of wet grass clippings inside the deck can pose a risk of corrosion on its back side.
Moreover, the metal surfaces are prone to rusting as combined exposure of metal to water and air allows rust formation.
It can also lead to paint removal from the external surfaces that need frequent paint coating afterward.
Frequent cleaning and protection from exposure to bad weather can help avoid corrosion; otherwise, it can lose its function and even blow up.
Damage to lawn mower blades
It is not considered suitable to leave the lawn mower in the rain as it can damage the blades, lose their sharpness and become dull.
These iron plates can break after a short time once it gets covered by rust. In addition, the deck can become porous when you keep it on the lawn leading to exposure of plates to moisture.
Furthermore, rust begins to consume the plates and decreases their blades’ ability to cut by affecting their sharpness.
Damage to its engine
The engine of a lawn mower can lose its stability when rainwater finds a way to go inside the chamber containing gasoline.
Water can enter the engine or combustion chamber and disturbs the combustion mixture consisting of oxygen and fuel in an equal ratio.
It decreases combustion efficiency because this mixture cannot control explosions. Accordingly, it cannot produce sufficient power to propel the motor.
The fuel lines of the mower are rubber tubes that are present close to the gas tank and move inside the carburetor. These can get disturbed due to rainwater and cause irreparable damage.
Moreover, the drops of water can find an entry route inside the fuel lines and enter the combustion chamber ultimately. It disturbs the combustion mixture and affects engine operation.
Damage to its spark plugs
Lawnmowers are usually operated by batteries that provide power to the engine for movement. The spark plugs provide power from the battery and engine.
The spark plugs can get slightly wet or completely soaked in water when the rainwater gets access to them and are prone to damage.
A wet spark plug cannot work and cannot transfer power, so it is essential to avoid contact with water with these plugs.
How to protect lawn mowers in the rain?
Lawn mowers are meant to be used outdoors, but it does not mean that you can expose them to bad weather, so it is essential to protect them.
There are a few methods to protect the lawn mower from damage in the rain, as moisture and the metallic surface can make it rusty when it comes in contact with air.
You can use tarps to protect them from rain as it acts as a barrier between water and the mowing vehicle. It can bring a huge improvement in terms of protection from the air elements.
Additionally, a cover or sheet can work well when you use it for short-term storage, but it needs to be larger than the mover for better coverage.
A thick tree and garage parking can also be good options to protect it. Drying the wet components using a cotton or microfiber towel is better to avoid the risk of corrosion after heavy pouring.
Ignition of the engine for a few minutes can help remove water from the engine. So, you have to park it under the canopy tent or at a dry place to avoid direct contact with moisture.
Can you use a lawn mower to cut wet grass?
It is not ideal to use a lawn mower on wet grass as grass clippings can accumulate in the form of a lump that can get stuck in the machine.
These lumps can interfere with the functioning of the mower as clippings interfere with the movement of the blade, so it is better to wait for the grass to get dried completely before mowing.
It is not only a bad decision for the device, but grassy lawns can also get affected by poor mowing as it can tear the blades and form patches.
However, few high-quality mowers are available that can work well in wet conditions, but they can stress the engine in most cases.
The water drops begin to move deep into the roots when sun rays fall onto them, ensuring the blades’ sturdiness and protection.
However, sharp blades can help you cut wet grass, but the chunk’s formation can possibly get stuck under the deck. Therefore, it is better to mow the lawn before it starts raining or during light sprinkling.
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